Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lily-Bean is Officially 3

Well I'm beat.  We just settled down after having about 40 friends and family members over to celebrate 3 years of having my youngest. She was born in February but with the weather around here we tend to push the party later so it's less winter and more spring.
 She got 4 packages of Legos!  She loves Legos.  They are supposed to be for older kids but she will sit there and fit the pieces in to fill one of the green boards completely.  Takes about an hour or so and she will sit there the entire time and work on it.  She also got a bunch of clothes (now I don't have to go clothes shopping) and several other girly type toys.  She got this really neat bell carousel. Similar to this one.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
She hasn't left it alone yet.

In addition to Legos, her other favorite thing is playing on the computer.  pbskids,org and have a ton of games.  Bean spends hours playing the learning games on those sites.  

STITCHES----Yea right.  I did a few stitches yesterday for the bookmark exchange.  I dug through mom's giant bag O' floss to find a few colors for said bookmark.

I am now going to dig through the giant bag O' floss for colors for my HAED chart.  If I don't find a way to sneak some money in there to replace permanently borrowed threads, I'll have to find some other way to repay her.  Have a wonderful evening!


  1. Happy 3rd Bday to the little one! Sounds like she had a great party. 40 people... wow!

    1. We don't have small parties in our family. My grandmother was the head ofthe kitchen in a large Cathedral type church in Pittsburgh, Pa. When I was off of school and mum had to work I'd spend the day with my Nunny. All those society luncheons and Ladies teas gave me a lot of insight on how to plan big. I loved every minute and I still do.

  2. Happy belated 3rd birthday to Lily-Bean and had to laugh at the picture I had of you in my head raiding your mother's giant bag o floss.

    1. I have always called my mom's bags, purses, etc. Black holes. I tell her all the time I'll lose myself in there if she sends me to find something. It is kind of like the whole kid in the candy store though. I told her there were potentially 86 that I could be pilfering and she was still ok with it. ;)
