My re-entry to counted cross stitching came about through my daughter. My mother has always done stitching when she has the time. Over the course of several babysits my daughter learned to "help" her Nunny with her stitches. *The definition of help in this case is used very loosely and can in all actuality be more closely defined by hindering.
Nunny was very patient and let her help to her heart's content. Eventually, the demand for preservation of her work prompted her to supply Kayla with her own 14 count Aida fabric swatches, her own flosses, and a hoop to help her hold it. She printed out some kid friendly charts and told Kayla by line what to stitch. I heard many "stitch 4 skip one stitch 3 etc" over the course of a few weeks while creating a pink elephant.

The next project was a kitty, she was very ambitious to finish it very quickly. At this time, Nunny decided to let Kayla in on the history that she had taught me to stitch when I was a child. Kayla got little stars in her eye and started to harass mommy into helping her. I helped her finish that kitty but I made it my next goal to teach her how to read the charts herself. I am thinking I may have to print them out large so she can highlight them when each box is done. It is harder then I thought and this new kitty has had numerous mistakes. Any suggestions on how to help her keep her place?
Now to tie this into my getting back into stitching. I was looking for charts for my daughter online and found zillions! I found a bunch that I wanted for myself and "Wouldn't that just be perfect for so and so's Birthday next month?" in addition to the ones for children. Well mom is really big into her yahoo groups of fellow stitch friends. They have numerous swaps, give-a ways and contests. She was the recipient of a roll of 18 count Aida. Now mom is in her 60s and even with numerous magnifying glasses and silly gadgets stuck to her head and lamps, she still has trouble seeing those tiny holes. She passed on the 18 count to me and let me pick off a few threads out of her supply for several projects. Everyone got Stitched Christmas gifts and they were a huge hit.

I have since been making little sachets etc. with little flower charts and getting those little kits sold in craft stores for $1-$3. I have made several little things for secret sister gift exchanges with the Girl Scout Gold Award Committee as well.
The Keyring was monogrammed once the secret sister exchange was over.