This blog will contain various counted cross stitch projects completed, added to my wish list, or completed by friends.
Crafts done with the Girl Scouts and my children.
Little bits of nonsense from everyday life here.
That's right folks, the giant Rubber Duck is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!
It's an Honor to lend our rivers to this wonderful guest. He'll have many friends to play with and Pittsburgh has been hit with Duckie Fever.
So the kids and I went down with some friends to see the Duck. They had a huge bridge party to welcome him Friday night. FUN!!!! The bridge was closed down for a the "block" party and we a local radio station was there for the event. It was like a big fair with food vendors and art booths not to mention all the ducky stuff to buy. We plan to go back down once he's anchored for a less crowded look and to get pictures of the girls actually standing close to it. Today it was just way too busy and crowded to get the touristy photos. Today's main accomplishment was to be there to see him swim into town. Off to bed for me now. I'm just plum duckered out.
It has been forever since I was able to post a legitimate post. I posted 2 today (this being the second)
I am going to make up for it by hosting a Give-A-Way. The prize consists of Dimensions Shells chart that I stitched for my Step-mom(found here), remaining floss (should only have to buy a few to be able to complete), a handmade frogging needle, and a few other little surprises that I can find as filler . Yes, I'll ship overseas.
To enter do ONE of the following:
Post a comment here leaving an email
Email me privately at writing "blog give a way" in the subject line.
I'll draw names out of a hat on September 24th, 2013. Good Luck! ~Mab
Finished in July 2013 I finished a Biscornu for an exchange but I can't post pics of that yet. I am currently working on a chart that I created for my Hubby.
This is the picture that the chart is created from.
I also signed up for an Autumn/Halloween exchange, so I'll be starting that shortly.